Sunday 14 August 2011


This week we started on our joint exercises and it was the first day in the workshop.We were introduced to specific hand tools that were required for this exercise such as a handsaw,  combination square, hammer, chisels and most importantly the different classes of wood we are required to use and the many terms that they are refered to such as the 10,8,6,4, and 3x2 or otherwise known as the 70x45. In the afternoon the library was on the agenda, as Ingrid showed us all the different services that were available to us as students of the institute.We were also given the opportunity to use the very intricate dewy decimal system that had been put in to place by staff. to gather certain books that would prove very helpful in our journey.Ingrid was kind enough to show us more helpful resources in from of Internet by using the EMIT network, there we were able to  follow different links to get to what we wanted to find such as the MONTIE SAFETY PROGRAMME which would prove helpful as the programme progressed.the following day we continued to practise on our joinery pieces we were shown the right way to use our chisels so that the edges of our pieces would not be blown out we got the angles required for our dove tailing cut outs and later on that afternoon we were back int to the computer room where we shown how to post in to our blog and also how the emit  programme  would prove an advantage to our studies  and before the day ended we entered the lab for the first time and there i created my own blog on the blogger website on the Wednesday we were shown the cross section of the sleep out we were building in time to come.And the make up of  the sub floor  these include  the joist,bearing,piles and other components  we continued with our joinery pieces we had the chance to use the power tools for such as the drop saw and the wall  grinder above all that we we given the instructions on how to use the power tools correctly  without harming ourselves as well as our class mates  

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