Friday 26 August 2011


This week began with us being in the class and we were given a class group team task of creating a poster showing the different requirement needed for a site sectioning such as the SITE SET OUT which is given to us BOUNDARY PEG, BOUNDARY LINES, BUILDING LINES, TIMBER PROFILES,  and what we didn't really touch on was the METHOD PYTHAGORAS  also we had the opportunity to draw cross sections based on the sub floor framing we got given the chance to update our blogs in the computer room for the remainder of the afternoon on the follow day we were given the opportunity to complete our  joint exercise  and were taken out in to the site to get a chance to use the DUMPY,AUTO LEVEL, LASER LEVEL a dumpy is an optical tool used by either SURVEYOR to measure the horizontal check points are the same or a BUILDER to transfer ,set or measure the horizontal levels of the landscape the DUMPY  is set on the TRIPOD and then it must be set according to the spirit level situated on the side of the optical lens.It has 3 ADJUSTING  LEVELS  a  ZOOM  and a FOCUS knob under neath the lens is a screw on  fastening used for a lose screw used to brace the lens on to the TRIPOD  we were also told about the FALL it is the measurement up from the level horizontal plane in this case our fall is 120mm from 150mm which in this case is going to be ground level we were also shown the PYTHAGORAS it is the measurement of the hypotenuse which is the distance located opposite the right angle of a right angle triangle to find this measurement we must find out the two measurement of the remaining walls of our triangle add them together using the power of two method which is to multiply a number into itself using no more and no less  then its equal amount equal amount to receive a a number that is to the power of 2 or squared (i.e 444x444= 197'136=A)(i.e777x777=603'729=B) after you have gotten both sides of the triangle using this method you must add those numbers together to get an answer which you must square root that final answer to get the exact measurement (i.e 197'139=A ,603,729=B)(i.e A+B=HYPOTENUSE)(i.e then you square of the HYPOTENUSE) and then you get your answer. The following day was spent in the work shop finishing our joint exercises once we had completed that we then went on to creating our saw horses. we were shown the thickneser machine which planes down wood too any measurement  by setting the thick electronically. once set you feed your plank through the instructed side. The other machine that was shown to us was the buzzer. It planes(refines) the desired side of the timber you must be very careful not to run your fingers over the blade . In the afternoon Sue Bartlet came in and told us about communication,and the barriers in which can get in the way.Such as emotional problems that can be occurring which would cause a break down in communication.Another one could be noise that could distract the the student there for failing to hear a message then been asked to share the mess but the noise distracted the student  could cause problems and  therefore failing to communicate properly .Kerrie Brown also gave us a reminder and continuation on safety in the work place and the importance of there role in the institute

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