Monday 8 August 2011


on week one i started class and we were taken through a health and safety talk regarding our safety in and around the campus we also were introduced to the student services and took a tour around both north and south campus we had the security come in and talk to us regarding the services they provide and showed us the location on where they could be found around campus a powhiri was also on the agenda on week one giving us an opportunity to meet and greet other students whom were in-rolled on the second semester along with us above all that we had a basic run down on the different power tools we would be using and the safety precautions used when dealing with these different tools we began a rough we learnt the different attempt on drawing the sleep outs we are going make and also received and engraved our ear muffs we learnt why scales were used on drawings and why we didn't need a consent from the council for the sleep out and after all that we were set homework to explain what the treatment H3.1 meant.

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