Sunday 4 September 2011


(refering to sleep out)
profile set out can only begin once the building line has been established.We did this by taking a point from the boundary line and measuring in to a certain point, were  we thought would be fitting for the dimensions of the sleep out which are det out at 5.1x2.8  Once this was established  we measured out the width and the length of the building  out to the most furtherst point and also marked it. Once the building line was marked we measured 700mm out from that and set up our porfiles.These profile had to be a little longer to allow a nail to set on top of the batterboard giving a place for the stringline to be hooked on to. after setting up the profiles we then measured the distance of both sleep outs to be constructed along with the distance between them this gave us the measurement for  the edge of the building which we made noticable by running a string line along at every point from batter board to batter board to give us an indication of where these point will br and also to make squaring our builing off easier

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