Saturday 31 March 2012

week six

week six consisted of the completion of the sub flooring which included the start from a jack stud/pile to the bearer up towards the joists and the completion of the joists also nogging was required to go in between all the joists at two different points and through the centre at allocated points of the sub floor just to provide extra strength once all the joists were put in to position we used wire dogs/ z nails to fix the joists to the bearers permanently and began to look at markings for the floor sheets which are made up of particle board in majority of the floor except for wet areas such as the bathroom and toilets there we will be using 20 ply wood because of its tendency to withstand more water than the particle board

Thursday 22 March 2012

week five

this week we received our 8GB memory stick in which we can store all the information that we have uploaded from another source such as the internet. on this week we also were given the chance to view a slide show on the trip that "Q" and the class of 2006 took to the mill in Tuakau this gave us an understanding  on where the wood comes from and the necessary methods or steps it takes to produce the timber from tree all the way to what we receive on site after the slide was viewed the timber assignment was handed to us it consisted of the  explanations of the timber grading the chemical composition that has been embedded in to the certain timbers explanation of the timber seasoning and the meaning of MSG. Also the week had no signs of sunshine so we came to realize how unsafe our work environment was ans it was explained to us that what to be done was meant to happen prior to the start of construction and this was our site safety plan and another thing on the agenda that day was the traditional take off system and how we had to use this method to calculate  the timber required for the sub floor

week four

this week consisted of mainly fixing the bearers together using stainless steel 4 inch because bearers are made up of 100x45 fixed back to back to create a bearer these were fixed to the top plate of the jack studs  and then we were looking at the boundry joist the first of many joists to be put on to the top of bearers these are also 100x45 planks  which make up the bearers

Saturday 10 March 2012

week three

week three was a majority of the completion of laying down sole plates ,the purpose of the sole plate is to give the jack studs a platform in which they can be nailed to it also gives a flat platform to begin the leveling of the floor the sole plates run in the same line that we had marked with our string line providing information about offsets then the jack studs where fixed to sole plates with a special system that consists of using a level to scribe the bottom to the sole plate cutting it then returning to that spot and using the dumpy and mark it to the middle cross heirs on the dumpy to determine the height that the stud will be this can only be done once the floor level has been established with the batter board once on e has been scribed and leveled it must then be braced up using the level as well the jack stud could be braced plum both ways determining how bad the bow in the sole plate is, and the sequence will continue till the jack studs are complete on all sole plates it is manditory for anyone who uses the dumpy to limit the people looking through it and not to move it this will alter the datum height the datum height is the first height registered ob to the stick by the dumpy then we added a top plate to the top of the jack studs to give a more horizontal platform for our bearers to be placed
 we started on our bearers and by next week should be fixing them to the top plate of the jackstuds