Sunday 27 November 2011


this week was spent fixing all the wall in the desired slots and screwed in place using a drill cordless drill and and posi drive then we went on to the architrave which is the  piece that goes around the edges of the windows they are all cut at 45 degrees angles and made to fit similar to the one featured
on the right

also the skirts were to be measured and cut to the right length before they were fixed how ever these were just square cuts like this one featured below these ran along the whole bottom of the sleep out and  along the tops aswell


we recieved help form the soxx team with our ceiling using the rondo steel system
like the on featured on the left notice the steel running along the inside benneath the rafters thus creating a steel  batten which the ceiling can be fixed to
after the rondo system has been applied to the ceiling in goes the insulation
which consists of R3.2
and then on top of the this will go the gib board which for the ceiling is 13mm standard
after the ceiling was in place we then used 10mm standard gib for the walls one side being standradr gid and the other being braceline

Monday 14 November 2011


on this week we had to complete the exterior battens on all the certain areas and also precise cut for the window flashing using chisels tho carve out a gap to make the batten sit flush we also spent time oin the lab in preparation for the presentation that is to be due in on the 16th

                                                  this man is installing exterior battens similar to the
                                                             one we used on the sleep out

Sunday 6 November 2011


on this week we did more of the exterior we used 20mm thick ply wood for the wall and put in our windows aswell we also installed the flashing which goes above all window fixings  made up of aluminium  alos we installed the ranch sliding door
simlilar to the on featured below
picture of flashing below
below is 20 mm ply wood